3 Things to Know About Commercial Access Control Systems

It is essential to install top-notch security solutions in your commercial building to protect your employees, clients, and equipment. Access control systems have proved effective in many commercial settings, so you should consider them. With these systems, you can restrict access to sensitive areas, allow multiple location access, get data of who entered or exited a particular place, and allow employees to work at any time. 

However, it is vital to learn about these systems to make the right calls. Here are three things to know about commercial access control systems.

1. There Are Variety of Options

You can find different designs of commercial access control solutions in the market today. The common ones are keypads, keycards, smart locks with mobile credentials, and biometric systems. With keypads, employees must key in a PIN or keycode to unlock a door. You will use different codes for various offices to prevent unauthorized access.

Your employees will insert or swipe a card into the system with keycard access control to open a door. Smart locks with mobile credentials have advanced features because your employees can unlock doors using Bluetooth or other modern technologies. Biometric access systems use biological data, such as fingerprint, iris, palm vein, voice, and facial recognition.

All these types have unique advantages. For instance, you can manage some remotely while others only allow you to manipulate them when you are present at the location. You can learn how to use some systems quickly after basic training while others require special training before use.

If you need to restrict access to specific locations, choose a system that allows you to create clearance levels. Ensure you obtain adequate information before settling for any of the access control systems. With professional help, you should find one that works for you.

2. You Need to Plan Well for the Installation

Commercial access control systems installation depends on several factors, such as a building's architecture. Therefore, it will help to give the installation company a plan of your property to determine the right locations to put the systems. The team will ensure that the installation complies with relevant building codes to avoid legal issues.

3. You Can Sync With Additional Features

It is crucial to know if you can sync your access control systems with additional features, such as cameras, cloud-based servers, fire systems, access control to the parking, or a shooter detection system. It is necessary to install an access control system that can be integrated easily with these devices for convenience and enhanced security.

Commercial access control systems have helped many business owners enhance security in their premises. You should keep the factors discussed above in mind to install a reliable commercial access control system. 
