3 Ways To Protect Your Locks From Lock Bumping

If you're worried about home break-ins in your area, you may want to consider whether or not your home locks are vulnerable to lock bumping. Lock bumping is a method of breaking in using a special kind of key, known as a bump key. Bump keys are designed to allow the bumper to put tension on the pins inside the lock. While normally the pins should only move when the correct key is inserted, the bump key forces them to move long enough for the bumper to turn the lock. [Read More]

Car Key Replacement: 4 Reasons To Avoid The Dealer & Choose A Locksmith

Car key technology has dramatically changed over the years. To help prevent theft and other issues, car keys are now often made with transponders in them. This advancement in key technology can help protect a vehicle, but it also makes it a lot more challenging to get copies of keys made. If you are seeking spare keys for uses in emergency situations, then it may seem like a car dealer is your only option. [Read More]

Locked Out Of Your Home With Your Toddler Inside? What Are Your Quick Access Options?

If you're the parent of a toddler, you're probably already aware of the speed with which your child can get into trouble when your back is turned -- and nothing can cause your blood to run cold more than hearing the "click" of a door lock turning and leaving you outside alone. Those with younger children may find their pleas to turn the door lock aren't understood, while older children who are feeling mischievous may simply ignore your knocks at the door. [Read More]

5 Tips To Deter Intruders From Trying To Break Into Your Home

People should be safe in their own home, but unfortunately, that's not always the case. It's important to do whatever you can to keep your home secure. The best thing you can do is deter intruders from even attempting to break into your home. Here are 5 tips for keeping burglars away. 1. Don't flaunt your value If you live in a mansion, it's difficult to hide your wealth. However, one-percenters usually have beefed up security in their neighborhoods. [Read More]