Locked Out Of Your Home With Your Toddler Inside? What Are Your Quick Access Options?

If you're the parent of a toddler, you're probably already aware of the speed with which your child can get into trouble when your back is turned -- and nothing can cause your blood to run cold more than hearing the "click" of a door lock turning and leaving you outside alone. Those with younger children may find their pleas to turn the door lock aren't understood, while older children who are feeling mischievous may simply ignore your knocks at the door. [Read More]

5 Tips To Deter Intruders From Trying To Break Into Your Home

People should be safe in their own home, but unfortunately, that's not always the case. It's important to do whatever you can to keep your home secure. The best thing you can do is deter intruders from even attempting to break into your home. Here are 5 tips for keeping burglars away. 1. Don't flaunt your value If you live in a mansion, it's difficult to hide your wealth. However, one-percenters usually have beefed up security in their neighborhoods. [Read More]

Keep Your Employees Safe

Your employees are one of the most important parts of your business. They keep things running so your business can thrive, and they deserve to feel secure while they're doing their jobs. Don't take employee safety for granted, and don't wait until an emergency happens to think about securing your business. Here are some tips to help keep both your business and your employees safe at all times. Educate your employees [Read More]

4 Things You Never Knew You Could Do With Your Key Fob

Laser cut keys and key fobs are standard accessories that come with vehicles these days. Even if you don't have a key fob, you can buy one from just about anywhere and program it to your vehicle as long as you have automatic locks. Everyone knows that a key fob is a remote that allows them to lock and unlock their vehicle. What most people don't realize is that a key fob can do even more than that. [Read More]